On-Site Magazine

Free Virtual Event: Exploring the benefits of mentorship

By Adam Freill   

Construction Labour

Career development in Canada’s construction sector will be the focus of On-Site’s 2023 40 Under 40 Symposium.

On-Site Magazine is putting a spotlight on career development as it hosts its first-ever 40 Under 40 Symposium this September. The virtual event, which will explore mentorship from multiple perspectives, will be held online at 1 p.m. (ET) on September 28.

The first of the day’s two sessions will feature panellists Mat Baranowski of PCL, Alicia Milton of Ledcor and Jesse Unke of Maven Consulting Limited as the panel explores career development from the perspective of professionals from On-Site Magazine’s 40 Under 40 in Canadian Construction program. The panellists, each having been previously recognized under the 40 Under 40 program, will share how mentorship has influenced their respective career paths, and the benefits of learning from others in the industry.

The second panel will share mentorship program notes from some of the leading companies in Canada’s construction sector. The companies represented on the panel all have structured mentorship programs that not only help their employees grow in their careers, but they also help differentiate their businesses when trying to attract new workers and retain their top performers.

The discussion will focus on some of the benefits their companies experience by having these structured programs, motives for having a formalized program, how these companies set up and promote their programs, and an exploration of best practices that can help make a mentorship program, and a company’s people, more successful.


“So many of our 40 Under 40 honourees cite mentorship as contributing to their success, and as one of the ways they support the industry, so it seems appropriate to explore how finding a good mentor can do great things for one’s career,” stated Adam Freill, editor of On-Site. “Moreover, with the realities of the labour shortage impacting the sector, companies that have programs to foster the growth of their people have a leg up when it comes to retention. We look forward to sharing our panellists’ perspectives on career development.”

Registration for the event is free. The sessions will take place virtually via Zoom Webinar on September 28, with opening comments set to start at 1 p.m. (ET).




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