On-Site Magazine

CAWIC launches online career centre and mentorship program

By Andrew Snook   

Construction Skills Development

The Canadian Association of Women in Construction (CAWIC) made an announcement on Feb. 10, regarding increased benefits for members. Two of the benefits were an online self-service career centre and a new mentorship program.

The self-service career centre offers CAWIC members an opportunity to post their resumes online and apply to posted positions within Canada’s construction industry.

The postings are available for public viewing and non-CAWIC members can also post on the site for a fee.

CAWIC’s mentorship program is designed to help its members create connections with their peers in the CAWIC who will offer them advice and guidance through their own personal experiences in the construction industry.

Other new benefits include: preferred corporate rates with Holiday Inn Toronto Airport East and under the Westmount Hospitality Group VIP program with participating hotels, a partnership with Moxie Trades that include a 20-per cent discount for online purchases, the hiring of a full-time administrator and a social media subcommittee – CAWIC is now on various social media sites, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google.

The CAWIC is a non-profit organization designed to facilitate the success of women in the Canadian construction industry.

For more information on the benefits of CAWIC membership and its activities, visit www.cawic.ca



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