On-Site Magazine

Key infection control guidelines for your job site

By Northbridge Financial   

Health & Safety

There’s still a risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus, so any business – including a construction site – that is open needs a plan for infection control based on government and industry best practices. That plan must be communicated to employees, contractors, and trades, and updated as necessary.

Separate the site

  • Stagger, split, or alternate shifts so there are fewer people in high-traffic areas. The Canadian Construction Association (CCA) recommends that job sites separate different crews using zones or other methods. Place limits on the number of workers in each zone and in common areas.
  • Where work is done in crews, minimize or eliminate the crossover of workers between crews, with staggered breaks.

Enforce good hygiene

  • Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces in common areas. This includes washrooms and eating areas, as well as shared tools, equipment, and vehicles (disinfect these between users and at the end of shifts).
  • Consider removing frequently touched surfaces. Taps and paper towel dispensers can be changed out, garbage cans can be switched to hands-free models, and doors or door handles can be removed.
  • Post signage reminding workers to wash their hands and provide easy access to soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizer.
  • For work that must be done in close proximity, the CCA recommends formalizing procedures and requiring personal protective equipment (PPE). Non-medical face coverings are also recommended.

Monitor workers

  • At job site entrances, check that workers are not exhibiting flu-like symptoms, and that they haven’t been in contact with someone with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19.
  • Track and monitor movements of employees, while maintaining their privacy. If an employee does test positive for COVID-19, local health authorities will ask the employer about where they worked and who else may have been exposed.

Infection control protocols on job sites will help keep workers—and their families—safe while continuing to flatten the curve.

To learn more about risk management practices that can assist during a pandemic, reach out to The Northbridge Risk Services team who can provide educational materials and consulting.



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