On-Site Magazine

VRCA event encouraging women to LEAP into construction

By Adam Freill   

Construction Women in Construction

B.C. based industry association hosted its inaugural the LEAP: Women in Construction Conference on International Women's Day.

The Vancouver Regional Construction Association (VRCA) partnered with Canadian Construction Women (CCW) to host its inaugural Women in Construction Conference, LEAP, on International Women’s Day, March 8. The sold-out event showcased keynote speeches and panel discussions specifically designed to tackle the challenges and opportunities encountered by women in the construction industry. Organizers say that the event was designed to elevate and uplift women by providing a platform for learning, networking, and fostering community within the construction industry.

“We are excited to introduce LEAP on International Women’s Day,” expressed Jeannine Martin, president of VRCA. “Over 200 women gathered to listen, engage, share their experiences, and offer encouragement. The day was dedicated to inspiring and empowering women, encouraging them to take courageous steps in their professional journeys.”

The day’s sessions included explorations of tools and strategies aimed at breaking barriers, building inclusivity and diversity, avoiding burnout, self-esteem, career advancement, and maximizing success.


“CCW was privileged to partner with VRCA to host this conference and provide an opportunity to bring forward important discussions around the issue of supporting the advancement of women in the construction industry,” said Seema Lal, president of CCW.  “All of the speakers did a great job in highlighting the theme of the conference, being one of leaping forward boldly, knowing there is a sisterhood of support in your corner.”




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