Hexagon AB has introduced its next-generation Leica BLK360. Drawing on the success and features of its award-winning Leica BLK series, the new BLK360 creates photorealistic, accurate digital twins in as little as 20 seconds. The 3D reality capturing system is designed for applications requiring fast, up-to-date scanning, such as digital construction and building lifecycle monitoring. It enables users to move quickly about any environment without interruption, viewing and sharing the data during the capture process to provide real-time access to updated digital twins.
The imaging laser scanner offers four scan settings to capture data in seven, 13, 30, or 75 seconds at 680,000 points per second, and takes 20 seconds to produce a full-dome scan with photospheres. The unit comes in a case for protection and portability, measures 155 mm by 80 mm, and weighs 850 g with batteries installed.
File transfer options include high-speed data transfer via USB-C or Wi-Fi. The scanner also connects directly to HxDR, Hexagon’s cloud-based storage, visualization, and collaboration platform for reality capture and geospatial data. Using built-in Leica Geosystems Visual Inertial System (VIS) technology, the BLK360 can automatically combine scans to reduce time spent aligning data.
Users can control the scanner with the Leica Cyclone Field 360 mobile app, which enables pre-registered scans with the VIS and streams image and point cloud data to an iPad or final project data to Cyclone Register 360 with full data synchronization between devices. Export of LGS, RCP, or E57 files allows for downstream working with point cloud data.