David Nagy appointed national practice lead
By Adam Freill
LabourNagy to lead Associated Engineering's pursuit of major and alternative projects with public sector clients.
David Nagy has been appointed Associated Engineering’s national practice lead for alternative and major projects. He is tasked with leading and supporting the firm’s pursuit and delivery of major and alternative projects with the company’s public sector clients.
Nagy holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and a master’s of business administration, and brings considerable experience to the role, having completed many transportation projects, including bridges, roads, tunnels and airports over his 18-year career. He has also provided engineering expertise for water intakes and treatment plants. He originally joined Associated Engineering in 2015 as manager of the bridge group in its Calgary location.
An active volunteer with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta and the Consulting Engineers of Alberta (CEA), he served as CEA president in 2017-2018.