On-Site Magazine

Public review of codes is now open

By Adam Freill   

Construction Health & Safety

The public can participate in the review of proposed changes to the 2020 editions of the National Model Codes.

Courtesy of National Research Council of CanadaThe Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes (CBHCC) is inviting the public to participate in its next public review of proposed changes to the 2020 editions of the National Model Codes. Currently underway, the public review will run until July 29, 2024. Those interested in participating in the review can access the proposed changes on the CBHCC’s website and provide feedback.

The public review is an opportunity for all Canadians to participate in the code development process, and the CBHCC encourages anyone who is interested to review and provide feedback on the changes being considered. More information about the code development process and the CBHCC can be found at: https://cbhcc-cchcc.ca/en/code-development-process/.

Following the review, all comments will be considered by the relevant code development committees, and recommendations on the proposed changes will be made to the CBHCC. If approved, the changes will be included in the 2025 editions of the National Model Codes.




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