On-Site Magazine

Funding new schools in Alberta

By Adam Freill   

Construction Institutional

Provincial government plans to spend $2.3 billion over next three years to build new schools and modernized classrooms.

The province of Alberta is putting $372 million from its 2023 budget toward the construction of 10 new schools, 16 replacement schools, and modernization projects for another seven. In total, the province plans to spend $2.3 billion over the next three years to create and modernized classrooms for students.

The 58 projects outlined in the 2023 budget include 13 full construction projects, 20 design, 14 planning and 11 pre-planning projects, with an aim to deliver nearly 25,000 new spaces for students across Alberta.

“Alberta’s young learners are the community and business leaders of tomorrow. They need the right spaces to gain the tools and skills needed to prepare for their bright futures,” stated Minister of Education Adriana LaGrange. “By investing in our schools, we’re investing in our students while at the same time creating more jobs and supporting the local economy.”


To address the issue of availability of suitable sites, a roadblock causing delays to school projects, the government is creating a new School Planning Program that will serve as a transparent pipeline for upcoming school projects to begin as soon as formal construction funding is approved.

The new program will be used on planning and site development for 14 school projects, with a further 11 projects receiving pre-planning funding to assist with developing scope options.

The province says the planning program will help clarify potential risks and identify mitigation strategies with the goal of providing school boards resources and better position projects for design consideration and construction approval in future budget cycles.





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